Conduct an on-line MLS search of $250K homes and $1M+ homes in metropolitan Kansas City. What differentiation do you see between the two? Typically there is no difference—the listings and the marketing look identical except for photos of the property. AND that means your real estate marketing plan is NOT customized to your home.
Regardless of the price of your listing it is the most important listing in the world to you. All listing price ranges matter to me. But if your home is $1M+ it’s essential you have a customized marketing plan because your target buying audience is different.
Your $1M+ luxury home deserves more. My marketing differentiates your home: NO off-the-rack boring stuff. If you have a $1,000,000+ listing here’s the PaulClemBroker difference:
Luxury home marketing at a level not typically seen in Kansas City
You work directly with the Broker meaning the ‘buck stops with me’. As the owner of the brokerage I have decided to devote a larger percentage of commission dollars to advertising. It’s conceivable the marketing and advertising budget dedicated solely to the sale of your home may range from $10,000-$20,000 without any impact on your commission rate.
Marketing prowess meets real estate expertise. Based on your property’s listing price you may have a unique website dedicated to your home; social media presence; re-targeting ads; and sizzling movie short of your home compared to a sleepy virtual tour with 25-moving photos and elevator music. See Property Video tab to view one of my recent movies.